Isn’t a crime to post your first blog post and not use Hello World as the title. If not, it probably should be.
After many attempts, I have decided to use WordPress as my blog hosting platform. I did this for two reasons: first, I’m familiar with WP, though it has been years since I used it. Second, I got a good deal on three years of one of their plans. Whether I am happy with this decision in three years? That’s tomorrow-Matt’s problem.
So What Goes Here?
I will be posting stuff here that doesn’t fit on my Linux Cast blog. So it will be a lot of different things, though my primary purpose will be to write book reviews here. I may or may not eventually be planning on joining book Tube to make videos about the books I read. We’ll see how blogging goes before I make plans for all that.
I will probably also use this space to rant. I like to rant, as you’ll know if you watch my YouTube channel. This will be a spot for me to rant about non-Linux things. I may even get political, I don’t know. Bitching at the left and right for being a shower of bastards could be fun.
I will also probably do some writing on WordPress itself. I haven’t used it in a long while, so I may have a lot to say. I will say that the editor isn’t as good as I remember. Too complicated.
I will look for an app that will let me post here. We’ll see if I find one. If anyone knows of an app, let me know.
What it Won’t Be
Consistent. I doubt that I post here a lot. I am going to aim for once a week. We’ll see about that. I won’t be doing this for money or anything, and I have other things I do which actually pay the bills, so those will take priority. So, if you want to find this and pay attention to updates, then subscribe to it or to the RSS feed.
So, that’s it. I’ll post my first rant soon. I need a place to vent about how overrated Mistborn is.